The 8th Fire, a film on First Nations prophesies
Trailer web site:
Evidently, the 8th Fire is the fire within…
“this beautiful movie inspired by a “Vision” of peace in a world at the crossroads.”
Special screenings listed on web site.
Dave Courchene Jr., whose traditional name means LEADING EARTH MAN is an Elder and spiritual advisor from the Anishnabe Nation, Eagle Clan. Descended from a long line of chiefs and leaders of his people, he felt “Compelled by forces beyond his control” to quit his job as an educator and go on a ceremonial expedition of peace around the world.
Through his dreams, and visions, the experiences of others who have accompanied him on his journey and the words of the visionaries–past and present, we bring you THE 8TH FIRE One Earth * One Whole Circle * Again
A vision of hope…. for the future……for the Earth……for the children
Last Updated on January 11, 2014 by Davidya