Sometimes, we might wonder what’s the point of spiritual practice? Isn’t that all about me? What about all the suffering and drama in the world? How am I going to make any difference?
The answer is the principles of resonance and coherence.
“When a complex system is far from equilibrium, small islands of coherence in a sea of chaos have the capacity to shift the entire system to a higher order.”
– Ilya Prigogine, Nobel winning Chemist
This is the point.
Research has shown that regular meditation increases brain coherence. Research has also shown that when a small % of a population meditates (raises coherence), it reduces the crime rate, accident rate, hospital admissions and more. We’re an island of coherence.
When you heal, you raise your own clarity, raising the collective clarity.
When you awaken, you raise the consciousness of the whole. This makes it easier for others to awaken, too.
What we give our attention to expands. How are you using your time and attention? We’re in this together.
And yet the madness around us only grows. Spirituality was always on the fringe of society and now has even less presence in the media, which is starting to prefer tribalism and sensationalism.
Hi Sas
Yes, the madness is growing because consciousness is rising and pushing more of our unresolved baggage to the surface. Rising coherence is pushing what is incoherent out. But what we see is mainly the side effects of that, the drama on the surface.
Yes, the media goes for clicks and has drifted to the lowest common denominator, people wanting to know what’s wrong and who’s to blame. Fear is amplified.
I disagree spirituality has become less present. Many traditional forms are fading, but more recent forms are seeping in all over. It’s becoming more normal.
We are in interesting times, but they’re also a time of profound transformation. If we can catch the wave, evolution is rapid, if a little intense sometimes. 🙂
Thank you. Yes there’s an explosion of ‘mindfulness bros’ 😀 which is probably a sign of it becoming normalised, but I think I actually meant something a bit different…
I’ve heard about the coming spiritual age for years, but what I actually see is the coming age of AI. Whereas spirituality is about finding your uniqueness and tapping into inner intuition, AI seems to want to make all of that obsolete. It’s like the ego is fighting back, “anything you can do, I can do better and faster”. The seduction of that technology and it’s capabilities might make spirituality seem like a caveman superstition for many. And “working from the heart” will seem redundant. I’ve worked in the creative industries for years so this is particularly relevant to me.
I still believe there is nothing like presence and the intelligence that comes from it – which has the ability to heal and bring something good into the world that isn’t just more ‘noise’. But the new god, AI, seems to offer a more seductive and efficient package (on the surface). And all of this means spirituality will become less relevant for many. Why bother looking within, or speaking from the heart, or tapping into intuition when the new God can do this for us? The leaders of society will sooner consult AI (and it’s human sidekicks) for advice than any spiritual person.
It’s clear that much of society will submit to it, and the overall trend is that the regressive ‘hippies’ who don’t fully get onboard will only slow everyone down. That’s what I meant by spirituality is loosing relevance! Sorry to change the topic and for the long message.!
For reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NV0CtZga7qM
The key to understand what is unfolding is not found by looking at the side effects on the surface.
Rising consciousness is pushing unresolved trauma to the surface to be processed. We can engage in the fear, separation, division, polarity, and drama. But that’s the game of resisting and sometimes amplifying it. It’s not resolving it. This is the rough road that makes it more difficult. It causes you to dissipate your power, too.
If we can instead simply recognize what is happening, process our own emotions and release, and seek clarity, we’ll have a much easier time of it. You can’t think your way through what is unfolding.
The media and net are currently full of a lot of fear mongering because pushing people’s buttons gets traffic. But it’s feeding the beast.
Of course, we’re human and we’ll fall into it. The rage of injustice is tempting. But when we see we’ve done that, we can back up and let go.
A great outlet for these times is creativity, in whatever form that mosts suits you.
I disagree with this take. Yes, some will be drawn into some of this, but that presence is what will help people see what is unfolding and not get sucked in. How can spirituality be losing relevance what it’s what’s driving the transformation underway? As for the video, soul’s are not a concept but something we can experience for ourselves. Free will is a perspective that evolves with different stages of development.
I find it a little ironic that you post something on technocracy. That was dying out when I got into spirituality in the 70’s.
Thank you, and I don’t mean to bring doom and gloom but things are moving very fast and it feels easy to get left behind. Presence is ultimately all that’s needed – I understand that, and it’s enough.
I do think we face significant risk from government and technocrats like Musk who want to implement this technology through society even though they don’t fully know how it works! It’s very concerning but being present is really the only solution.
I understand, Sas.
The US is about to hit us with large tarrifs and our government is returning the favour. It’s going to make a mess of both economies. It’s hard not to get drawn into it.
But as you say, falling back into our deeper nature will help calm our storms, and of those around us. Transformation can be intense sometimes.
There’s also the population boom to consider when making comparisons to the past. It’s simply not the same world we’re looking back on and not so fair to compare the two.
Yes, there are many factors in play, but we still have our past experience as a reference point.
Hi David! Plus we are at the start of Dwapara age. Things are going to be weird and messy as we transition out of Kali. The overreaction to the evolution of feeling the deeper meaning of life has moved past the fulcrum and the collective is feeling the changes. As you say, traditional ways of dealing and experiencing are changing and many are now feeling the tilt in the collective toward the next step in this time’s evolution.
But, the reason the world is now angry and full of hatred and fear, is because spirituality has shifted into now being felt, rather than being merely a word, and that has a powerful effect on people. The lingering multitude who were able to survive, even if barely, in the Kali age, now are lost, fearful, and feeling threatened. But as more people become aware, this balance will continue to evolve toward unity!
Hi Bill
Dwapara is a factor in play, but there’s much more than that going on.
I agree – see my comment above.