There are several ways of seeing the relationship between senses and their objects, the elements. Our perspective can change.
The senses themselves are obvious to us because of their mechanisms: the eyes, ears, and so forth.
The element side is not as obvious to most Westerners, often considering them an idea from old philosophies. Rather, we attribute “element” to the atomic configuration of a substance.
The older meaning is of the subtle quality that supports manifestation on each progressive layer of becoming (kosha).
Space, on the celestial and where our universe first begins
Air, the subtle geometry and structure of form
Fire, the mind and fields
Water, the emotions and energy
Earth, the physical
Some experience the elements arising in sequential loops of a spiral into increasing density and expression.
As an aside, there are actually seven senses but the most subtle two don’t express and thus have no objects that manifest. I describe the sixth as knowingness, relating to the subtle structures of consciousness. The seventh is oneness or wholeness, arising with consciousness itself. These correspond to the highest two koshas (sheathes).
Everything we experience as objects is a blend of the elements. Our different senses are attuned to the specific element, but they exist together. Our usual physical experiences are a blend of all five elements and senses. But a daydream in the mind, for example, has fewer elements typically expressed.
Space, sound
Air, touch
Fire, sight
Water, taste
Earth, smell
From the perspective of Samkhya philosophy, the sense and element arise together in parallel as consciousness expresses within itself.
From another perspective of refined perception, we may see objects arising in consciousness, then the senses to perceive them. For example, the celestial arises with a quality of space. This vibrates and we perceive sound.
And from an even more refined place, we may recognize the senses are qualities in consciousness, prior to any objects or elements. Sensing is an expression of the process of experience. It can be experienced as qualities of consciousness prior to their manifestation.
In Unity stage, when we experience what it is to be a tree, we can recognize they have senses even though they may not have sense organs. Without the organs, they can’t focus or direct the sensing but experiences still arise in a more generalized way.
This leads to the recognition that sensing (experiencing) is a property of consciousness itself and that the senses lead to their forms of expression, the elements.
For example, space is not limited to the celestial and more manifest levels. That’s just where it begins to manifest as a world appearance.
Everything is flavours of consciousness. Ultimately, those flavours are all qualities of Divinity.
Thank you David for this. It is always wonderful to start my day with a gem from you. ❤️
You’re welcome, Clarice
Enjoyed reading this Davidya. It’s like the senses are not limited to the finite perceptions of the older “self” but take on almost three D status within the wholeness of universal consciousness. We learn to melt the senses together and become that which we call the greater “SELF”.
Well written….Thanks.
Hi Gary
Yes, but it’s not really more dimensions but rather greater spaces. Space is nested, layer within layer. The bigger ones are called the koshas or sheathes. As we clear the impediments to perception, the more subtle layers of space becomes apparent. But yes, perception gains greater depth, width, and height. 🙂
And yes, at the most subtle levels, the senses begin to cross over and we can smell colours and hear still objects. Most subtly, they merge in the Self.
I experience the Divine in ranges of flavors. Each expresses different levels of silence and dynamism. And to me, they express different intensities of Divine beauty and Divine love. These experiences definitely raise the quality and joy of life.
Yes, when our perception is not confined to the physical, it’s also not confined to the heavy and dark. It’s like the physical is the furthest from the light and has the most filters.
However, once the doors open further, we find the light even in the dark, then that there is only flavours of light. 🙂
Wonderfully clear explanation, beautiful, thank you David.
You’re welcome, Frank.
> The seventh is oneness or wholeness, arising with consciousness itself.
Lately, I’ve been seeing a wholeness when I look out my window after meditating. Yes, I can break it down into pieces: tree, ridge, canyon etc. but underneath it all is a sense of wholeness presents the landscape as a single perception.
Beautiful, Rick
Key is to recognize the distinction between oneness in consciousness, in our sense of being, and oneness in the senses, in the content (the 7th). The latter can arise due to empath gifts but becomes much more universal when the resolute intellect is established. Then it can distinguish differences (“break it down”) or recognize sameness or wholeness.
Actually, this is true both in consciousness (the UC process) and in sensing, which can reinforce that.