Debbie Ford passed away this week. She was an unexpected figure on the new age circuit, talking honestly about facing the shadow side of ourselves and healing old wounds. I wrote here about her film The Shadow Effect and have mentioned her occasionally around other films. I was surprised how similar her points were to how I spoke of the “shadow story“.
A great story about her from Tad
A conversation with Oprah last fall
Her Memorial site (now offline)
Her web site, with a letter from her sister
From the Oprah conversation:
“Well, to me, the soul is a part of us that never dies. It’s what we come in with. And our soul is sometimes — I don’t think you can see it, but I think it’s who we are at our core. And it carries all the messages and the lessons that we’ve learned in the past — and will carry all the lessons and messages…into the future.”
The best of her goes on.
PS: you can see it. 😉
Last Updated on March 24, 2014 by