Group Think or Group Be

Group Think or Group Be

Recent discussions here illuminate something to consider, the role of the group.

During the process of awakening, we lose the sense of ego, the pain body, then the whole sense of identity. The whole idea of person ceases to be. Prior to full awakening, we still have a sense of identity so still think of ourselves as individuals. In doing so we lose sight of the group, of our role in our “area cluster”.

Rupert Sheldrake is a British scientist exploring human potential, including systematic study of psychic abilities. He has proposed the concept of “Morphic fields”, basically energy fields that store information. He classifies these in several levels, including the framework for physical systems, our behavior [the emotional/ pain body], and our social group [mind]. “The fields organizing the activity of the nervous system are likewise inherited through morphic resonance, conveying a collective, instinctive memory. Each individual both draws upon and contributes to the collective memory of the species.”

In another context, “Socionomics” studies the pattern of social mood and illustrates how mood precedes events, rather than what has previously been understood. In other words, the “public mood” precedes changes in the market, fashion, and politics. It is the group that creates the events. Not what we expect from a victim awareness.

As we’ve discussed, we tend to take on different roles in different groups. Here one is the dad, there the jock, there the boss. In that context, the role is what we seem to bring to the group. But is it really?

Any group is a synergy of the blend of individuals within it. A synergy that reflects an aspect of wholeness. What you bring to the group is not your role – thats just the content. What you bring is your value of wholeness. For example, at work you may have a role as ‘file clerk’. You add to that what you bring from wholeness. Perhaps you add ‘chief gossip’ or ‘the victim’. Then what you have added to the group is your expression of the emotional body as pain. Essentially you bring your crap to the group to amplify it and justify your egos position.

Perhaps instead you bring ‘expert’ or ‘control freak’ to the role. These are ego values where the need to be right is prominent. Again, what value of wholeness are we adding to the group? Perhaps, if you are reading this blog, what you actually add to ‘file clerk’ is wholeness itself. You carry some value of peace and inner satisfaction. Then you begin to reflect God, as a file clerk. “What if God was one of us…” as Joan Osborne suggests.

Most of the time, the groups are not intentional, so we forget this dynamic. But its key to see this as “no man is an island”. Groups that are more intentional as groups include things like Satsang or Darshan. We may think of Darshan as being about the guru but really it is about being with wholeness which the guru may help amplify. It is not the gurus wholeness, it is is ours, together. There is no “other”.

On the flip side of that, you see intentional groups amplifying some lesser value, like a cults would.

All this may seem kind of general. Its nice if we can “support the group”. But its much more than that. The group is what is real. There is no individual alone. And the group is what makes things real. When we say it is through consciousness that the world is formed, this means it is the awareness of the group that makes the world the way it is. What each of adds to that is the difference between paradise and hell.

What value of wholeness we reflect is the true secret to manifestation. The more All we are, the more All flows through us. The more All is expressed. And what more is there than All?

If you have gone on a a meditation retreat, you know how group practice amplifies the effect. I’ve seen research that illustrates how, when a high enough percent of a population meditates, there is a notable drop in crime rate, hospital admissions, and accident rate. And the number is as little as the square root of 1%. Thats what a difference wholeness makes.

This points to something even more amazing. Our real potential in expression. Around the world, there are many ‘mythical’ stories of remarkable feats ancient people have accomplished. We read of some of these in the classics. But we relegate them to a vivid imagination, not realizing that some of them are true stories. Stories of a time when the group reflected a higher value of wholeness and thus expressed a greater range of possibilities in the world.

Wholeness and fullness of expression. This is where we are going.


Last Updated on November 11, 2017 by Davidya

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