Rick Jarow gave a presentation on his Alchemy of Abundance at the
Planetarium last Sunday at SCDL. I was not able to make it, but here
are a friends notes:
The 3 steps to the Alchemy of Abundance are,
1. Simply observe reality by saying “Ah… look at what is, look at
what has manifested”
2. Release all Judgment, especially towards ourselves. (and it was
interesting that he added not to condemn OR exalt, as both are judgments)
3. Use your power of imagination to create a “healing vision” that
grows out of your passion, and sustains you.
He also talked about tragedy and how it can enrich us. He said that
wherever you have been wounded, that is a place where you can heal.
(in this regard, he said he would not go to a therapist who had had a
happy childhood). He said Abundance infuses tragedy with hope. If
you have been betrayed and can still love, then you are truly and
deeply abundant. The key is how you receive challenges, how you open
up to them and how they transform you.
He said to Love What Is… & from there, Go in the direction of what
can be. Know what you want, and at the same time, care less, and be
He said that those who are truly Abundant drink from the well of
things as they are.
He spoke of a wonderful eccentric teacher/mentor who was a strong
influence on him when he was a young man, and she would say “Start
opening your heart and stop covering your ass” (essentially, have
faith/compassion and let go of fear)
Last Updated on December 11, 2013 by Davidya
In my experience, people are usually called to therapy because of their own histories. I suspect it might be difficult to find a therapist who perceived their childhood in a positive light at the time. On the other hand, I think in choosing a therapist, you want one who focuses on positive outcome rather than likes to wallow in the mud.
He makes some good points but I have to disagree with the statement about not going to a therapist who has had a happy childhood.
Aside from the obvious question, which is “how do you know what the therapist’s childhood was like”, I have to question the value of rejecting possible help from a goodly percentage of the population. This is a limiting belief if ever I heard one.
Do we insist that the surgeon has had his own appendix removed before we let him remove ours? Should I reject all optometrists who don’t personally need corrective lenses? …. and so on.
Otherwise, I liked Jarow’s message.