Here’s an interesting TEDx talk by Adam Leipzig on “How to Know Your Life Purpose in 5 Minutes.”
He skims over the profundity of some things like Know Thyself, which can make further answers more obvious. But he makes some interesting points. Here’s a few for reference:
151 thousand books on Amazon on life purpose. But if you’re just examining, you’re not living.
5 Steps:
1 – Who you Are (name)
2 – What you do (love to do – single words)
focus down: what is the one thing you feel supremely qualified to teach others.
3 – Who you do it for
4 – What do they want or need? (one or 2 words)
5 – How do they change as a result?
Put it all together into a kind of sentence. You’ve just done something people who have gone to Yale couldn’t figure out in 25 years.
Note that 2 of the questions are about me and the other 3 are about the people I serve. Focus on those you serve. If you make others happy, you will be taken care of.
When someone asks what you do – use the last answer – how you change people.
Good one 😉
Last Updated on January 29, 2014 by