A little housekeeping. Since I launched this blog in 2007, I’ve had a general plan to migrate it to a self-hosted rather than free blog when stats reached a certain level. That was delayed some while I got my grad degree. Those markers have been reached and the ability to offer the eventual book and such requires a hosted blog.
At some point in the next while, I’ll migrate all of this (well over 1,000 articles) to a new site. In preparation for that, I picked up the easier domain davidya.ca. For the time being, this will bring you here and will later flow to the new site when it’s ready. (squatters took in2deep and my marketing friends don’t like it anyway 😉 )
For the many who search “Davidya” to get here, you may find this saves a step. It’s certainly easier to remember and say than whats up there now. 😉
Subscribers will continue to get direct links to new articles.
Dragging yourself into best-practices by self hosting? About time. 😉
Hope you’ve been well.
Hi Takuin!
Yes, finally wandering that way. (laughs) I’ve been very well, thanks. I trust you have been also.
Yes, I have been fine. As of this April, I will have been away from Takuin.com for one year. I have used that time well, hopefully, haha. But I am working out a little piece on interesting discoveries, new explorations, and all of that for the site. The writing muscles have atrophied a bit. 😉
Great. I look forward to seeing what arises. I’ve missed your voice.
Finally found a web host I like for the blog. Finally plan to make the frickin’ move.