I talk a lot here about resistance. How we can recognize it and how to allow and let it go. How some will call it stress or karma or identification.
But we should not demonize resistance. Resistance is not a bad thing. It’s a natural response to some aspects of life.
For example, in it’s most basic state, the fear of a wild animal. Or our sense of holding back if something doesn’t feel or look right. Or our hesitation with circumstances if we lack clarity.
Even more deeply, that resistance can act as a natural brake in our spiritual development. Make sure we only open as far as we are prepared to be. Pause before jumping in to a new arena we are unfamiliar with. The divine safety net.
Amusingly, even the blocks to totality are none other than totality itself. Even identified consciousness IS infinite consciousness.
So the deeper secret to allowing is allowing whatever arises. We may find ourselves allowing resistance to release it. Or allowing resistance to resist. Both of them can be the movement to clarity.
It is a curious thing. We work to eliminate obstacles to totality even though both the blocks and the totality are totality. When we can see blocks as unbounded, then there are no obstacles anywhere.
That is the secret of Ganesh.
It all comes down to self-awareness, doesn’t it 😉
Right, Shamballa
Thanks for the feedback
Sort of remembering what Maharishi has said about agnimile. The full opening followed by the full stop followed by the continuation. Something about the boundaries of the full stop causing the movement of wholeness to seem faster. Ok, not remembering very well, just wanting to say that the profound insight about allowing resistance to resist is maybe the next stage for all new agers given to resisting resistance.
Hi Share
Speed and motion are relative, so a boundary helps us define rate.
For readers unfamiliar, Agnim ile are the opening 2 words of the Rig Veda. Kind of like Genesis of the Bible.
First step is in recognizing we are resisting. Next step is to see how we habitually resist the resistance. Then see it clearly enough to see the emotional charge behind it and let it go, allowing the resistance to dissolve. Finally, we begin to discover that some of that resistance is a natural response to some circumstance. The post above.
Thinking about this, there is resistance that is held. And it’s the holding we release that allows it to let go. But there is other resistance that is not held. It is simply a response like an emotion. It comes up until the circumstances shift or we shift to them. Then it passes, unheld.
In a way, we could say it is not the resistance that is the issue at all but the resisting of the resistance that causes the issue. The holding or grip.
Thanks for the feedback.
As always a great post to bring it all back. Sometimes your articles act as reminders, and are so wonderful. It’s like a little check in, to make sure this particular aspect has not being neglected.
Thank you, Davidya!
Hi Elena
Yes, it was a good reminder for me too, hence the post. Thanks!
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