Dr. Jeff Eisen, the author of Oneness Perceived, A Window Into Enlightenment, recently said the following in an interview:
“Traditionally philosophers have espoused philosophies that basically consist of words. But I feel that we are part of a small generation of people whose work is ourselves. It is, however, very philosophical work, in that it deals with the nature of consciousness, with the definition of God, with the difference between perception and nondual reality, with evolution, with the development of what you know and what you are thinking of and what you are. To me, and to a lot of us, our work is always a realization and an embodiment: How can I live this? How can I make it a living reality in myself? It has the spirit of veritas, truth-seeking, and universitas, going-towards-the-One, but the whole thrust of it is not towards producing a treatise but towards becoming.”
Well put. It’s about going beyond ideas and intellectual positions and into being. Dr. Eisen is a Psychologist and self-described “enlightenment therapist” who has been working to integrate eastern ideas of enlightenment with western therapeutic applications.
WIE magazine presents the interview poorly however, saying things like: “In his book, Oneness Perceived, Eisen describes a unified field of existence where the realization of ultimate oneness remains firmly rooted in the reality—and complexity—of time and space, cause and effect.” Clearly this was not written by someone who understands Oneness.
To illustrate, a quick review of Dr. Eisen’s web site finds a couple of articles to note:
An interesting discussion of the issue of perception and Oneness. In essence:
Oneness is reality.
Oneness perceived is duality.
Duality is illusion.
Oneness perceived is illusion.
Another talks about the post awakening struggle with the mind. Inner Oneness while experiencing the duality of mind.
These 2 articles are discussing different perspectives or places on the journey. I’ve not read the book nor read anything else, so cannot comment further.
NOTE: see comments for further clarity
The key point to observe here is not to confuse the perception of Oneness with Oneness. In true Oneness, there is no separate perceiver and object of perception. Thus, if there is perception of other, it is not Oneness.
In true Oneness/ reality, all is contained within One, without division. Mind cannot comprehend this as it relates via perception. So you cannot use mind to know reality. One can only be One.
Further, for clarity. What arises, arises within the One. Thus Oneness is not rooted in time and space but rather time and space arise within the illusion of perception within the One. It’s preposterous to say Oneness is rooted in illusion. How is that reality?
Indeed, this is exactly the upside down approach Amit Goswami was speaking of 3 posts back. Oneness as a side effect of the material.
There is great benefit to discussing Oneness. There is, I believe, a deeper sense of innate knowing that is beginning to bubble up to the surface and more people are “hungry” for learning about Oneness. When we can come to a place of stillness and reflection, we are better able to sense or feel the presence of The One (God) and in doing this, feel of presence of ourselves and our connection to all.
Kate Heartsong, Author of Deeply We Are One
Thank you for your thoughts, Kate. And good luck with the book.
I’ve written a number of articles around the subject. There is, I think, a lot of misunderstanding about it. While both are things we find real, true oneness is not a mental concept or experience. It is a state of being. We could describe the process of evolution in terms of Oneness.
For example, Self realization, where the inner peace becomes permanent, is an internal oneness. A Oneness of soul and spirit. There is then a fuller unfolding of the heart where we find our connection and oneness with the divine, God. And then we step into a Oneness with our world. This is full oneness. I am That, Thou art That, All This is That.
We can also see it relative to the process of perception. Oneness of the perceiver. Oneness with the process of perception, the expression. And finally oneness with the objects of perception.
The process of course varies by person, but that’s the jist of it.
You definately bring up an excellent point, that Oneness is a state of being. I like what you wrote, for it adds dimension and different aspects to this concept.
I also would add that when people can come to an inner state of knowing that there is a deep connection, we can be in a better place of appreciation and understanding that what we do to others we do to ourselves. And through this, be in a better position to ACT upon this understanding, through more respect and kindess to others.
Kate Heartsong
Hi Kate
Yes, when we make that inner connection to our commonality, we begin to see others more and more as aspects of ourselves. It’s a beautiful thing.