Now this is intriguing. An interview with John Raatz, the man behind marketing “Transformational” films (his preference in terms) like What the BLEEP, Peaceful Warrior, The 11th Hour, MindWalk, Baraka, and A Brief History of Time.
“I’m producing a film with Eckhart Tolle based on a story written by Eckhart that Jim Carey will star in,…” No mention of title.
He’s been working with Eckhart for 6 or 7 years and indicates the Eckhart on Oprah event was entirely Oprah’s doing. He said the webcasts numbers were hard to come by but if you combine viewers, downloaders and streamers, the total was something over 15 million. Thats a pretty decent number. He suggests it was another milestone in transformation.
He’s also working on a project to do Deepak Chopra’s new book, The Third Jesus in a webcast with Unity Organization (the churches).
He mentions GATE, a new organization to network media pro’s involved in transformational media.
And… he’ s working on a film called “The Big Question“, with Deepak Chopra, Thich Nhat Hanh, Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, scientists, and others. Its a flick about forgiveness. And its being produced by a company associated with the Catholic Church. Very interesting to see them involved with leaders of the consciousness movement.
More background:
Sounds like some great new films on the way…
I talk about the Deepak And Jesus project here:
The web site is way out of date.