Category: <span>Awakening</span>

The Big Picture

I designed the above image to give a little perspective on the stages of growth. 1) When we mature in a human form, if we’ve not been connecting to our source and inner nature, we …

What Awakens?

Fundamentally, consciousness is simply aware. Then it becomes self-aware and interacts with itself, causing the appearance of forms and phenomena to arise. This self-interacting dynamic is true both cosmically and locally. We can say consciousness …

On Surrender

Surrender is a key part of enlightenment unfolding. A recent question has led me to explore the word in more detail. The surrender I refer to is not giving away our power. That is submission, …

The Depth of Witnessing

In previous articles on witnessing, I’ve explored how a sense of detached observer can arise. This may come before awakening, with awakening, or even develop post-awakening as it becomes more established. The degree of sattva …

Atman and Sattva

One of the curious things about the spiritual journey is that the reality of one stage is not the reality of another. As each stage is a shift in being, it brings its own sense …

Drive into Flow

We have long lived under the ego-self and its claims of doership. Thoughts and emotions arise naturally from various stimuli and ego calls them mine. “I feel sad,” we say. Or “I’ve been thinking.” In …

Witnessing Sleep

As consciousness awakens within, we can have periods of time when we experience being a detached observer or witness of our life. Our life continues but we are no longer seen as the doer. We …

Clarity vs Doubt

On a recent retreat, an important point came up about awakening. But first, a little background. I’ve written before about the 3 parts of awakening – the actual shift, the experiences that may come with …

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