Category: <span>Ego</span>

A Conversation with Eva

Recently, Eva Muller and I had a conversation about the stages of enlightenment, exploring various nuances of the process. We started with an overview of the process. Then we went into witnessing and Self Realization. …


For the average person, our mind runs the show, getting most of its information about the world from the senses and memory. Because the identified mind is focused this way, we look outside of ourselves …


One issue with living in a mind-dominated culture is that many never gain the art of listening. When someone is sharing with us, we’re often in the mind thinking about what we’re going to say …

The Shadow of Money

In recent correspondence, some points came up worth sharing. Some people talk about dark beings (or malevolent aliens) controlling money. This comes out of a fear-based perspective that is personalized, in seeing laws of nature …

Personality as Trauma

I’ve observed that we naturally develop roles or patterns of behaviour. Like we learn how to ride a bike, or we learn how to be a parent or a worker or a lover. These patterns …

Becoming Divinely Human

I’ve been reading the book Becoming Divinely Human by CC Leigh. She’s a teacher in Trillium Awakening (formerly Waking Down). Saniel Bonder founded Waking Down in the ‘90s. His primary influence was the infamous Adi …

Where Am I?

One of the curious questions a teacher or healer may ask you is “Where are you?” Where do you experience yourself as being? This can be a big clue to our stage of development, but …

Styles of Coping

Power is a very curious thing. Often, we equate it with the masculine. However, in its essential nature, power or Shakti is feminine. She drives nature. She is our life force or prana. She is …

Responsibility Climbs

One thing about the spiritual path is what Ken Wilbur called “growing up.” This refers to maturing as a person. And that includes taking responsibility for our behaviour. This vs the ego blaming others for …

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