Hridaya, the Divine Heart

Hridaya, the Divine Heart

In a number of ways, I’ve talked about the progression of higher stages of consciousness here. How Self Realization unfolds into Unity or Oneness.

I’ve spoken about the post-personal stages of development, about the descent of Shakti and Shiva after awakening, and about Adyashanti describing “head, heart and gut“.

There is some variation in how the subjective experience plays out that suggests Shakti may take a different route. Perhaps where descending soma (nectar) and rising Agni (fire) meet. Put another way, the balance of Atman (cosmic Self) and sattva (purity) or Shiva and Shakti in an individual process.

But, however the energy plays out, there is our unfolding recognition of the cosmic Self or Being until everything is recognized as That and is contained in That. And then we start the next phase.

A key aspect of this is the middle part. The heart. The stage known as Refined Cosmic, God, or Celestial Consciousness.

There is 2 aspects to this stage – the refinement of perception and the awakening of the divine heart. Both are accomplished with a combination of purification and refinement. When we are spiritually awake, we are effectively meditating 24/7, so this is an ongoing process. Purification is accomplished with the inner fire, the light of consciousness, the vayus & shakti. And refinement is a consequence of soma, a very refined product of the body people notice as a sweet taste in the mouth and a dripping in the back of the throat, typically after samadhi or transcendental consciousness.

As the physiology becomes more refined and clean, we experience finer and finer values of the world and come to discover its underlying mechanics. We also change our relationship with the world as we change how we are with it.

But this post is more about the heart aspect. We have a physical heart, slightly to one side of the chest. We also have an energetic heart, known as the Anahata Chakra. Like the other chakras it can be seen as a vortex or flower in the middle of the chest.

But when the descent happens, we awaken a deeper level of the heart, a much finer and more powerful space. Some describe this “higher” heart as above the head, but in the curious ways of refined perception, the above-head chakras are actually finer versions of the original 7 chakras.

This more refined value of the heart is Hridaya, the divine heart. This is quite different from the heart chakra. At this level, people describe the heart as a vast space, containing the universe. It can seem to fill the chest and more. The crown chakra contains all the other chakras and Hridaya contains and comprehends the crown. “The hridaya or spiritual heart is not the heart chakra (Anahata) but the core of our being, the seat of Atman or Purusha, in which all chakras, all worlds, and all beings are comprehended.” — Dr. David Frawley

This space may also be seen as a flame or the home of our Ishta Devata or chosen form of God. It may be seen to have 8 petals unlike Anahata’s 12. The petals correspond with the 8 qualities described by Vaisheshika. Hridaya is also golden as is contains Hiranya Garbha, the golden egg and womb of the universe.

It is not in a different place or space than the heart chakra but just a more refined value of the same space. This is the nature of spirit, to express in layers upon and within itself. And while you may find it in your chest, you also find it contains the whole universe in that heart-space.

We might look at this as a common first perspective from the cosmic body, though that’s not quite true. A cosmic perspective certainly but from the perspective of the cosmic body, we contain everything. That includes all of creation and all universes, not just our own. In that perspective, the universes are lower down in the body.

Such an adventure.

Last Updated on September 4, 2016 by Davidya

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  1. Pingback: The Sacred Heart(s) | In 2 Deep

  2. Carla Pasternak

    Thanks for dealing with this topic of hridaya and its location. If both anahata and hridaya are located in the same area, how do you know if you’ve had an opening of anahata or hridaya? What are the signs of each? Thanks again for your help!

    1. Hi Carla
      The heart mahamarma is also in the same area, though is larger.

      Typically, the heart chakra, anahata, opens during the initial rise. This can be an obvious, clear thing or something that develops quietly. We may notice love flows easily to the world around us. The heart feels full.

      Hridaya opens during the post-awakening descent and is broadly associated with the God Consciousness or refined Self Realization stage. This opening can be like having a hose blasting love out of the chest. But again, for some it opens more quietly. Feelings become much fuller and richer and more profound. Some may associate it with feelings of oneness (although more direct oneness comes later).

      The subjective variations of the 2 openings vary widely so it’s easier to relate it to where you are in the process – pre or post-Self Realization.

      The heart mahamarma is like a larger version of the hridaya chakra and relates to why people describe “head, heart, gut” and similar, apparently leaving out some of the other chakras.

      A lot of modern spirituality places an emphasis on detached consciousness and world-as-illusion so there is less heart development favored. Some even dismiss such things as distractions. But a full and balanced development includes both if the local laws of nature support it.

  3. Julian

    Interesting post. I first read about hridaya centre in ‘The Knee of Listening’ and the amrita nadi being it’s route of out going to form. Those following this centre are also aware of Ramana’s writings and Robert Adams mentions it many times in his transcripted recordings he even advised to meditate there unlike Ramana. Interesting Davidya you set this highest centre in the heart chakra rather than two digits to the right.
    I do intend to get a copy of Kundalini Vidya from what I’ve read on the web the schematics of the nadi and charkas in that tomb look very comprehensive. Best Wishes.

    1. Hi Julian
      The term may be used for different things. The Amrita nadi connects with hrit which is the subchakra that runs the physical heart. I use Hridaya for the more subtle heart chakra sometimes called a mahamarma.
      I did find Kundalini Vidya clarified several points for me. You may also be interested in other posts discussing the topic like:

  4. Seda

    Thank you so so much for writing about this David! So so helpful and clarifying as I was trying to sort out why energy started to move from the heart chakra to the spiritual heart as you say. God bless you!

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