Isha has a guest article in the Washington Post “On Faith” column.
A few excerpts:
“In our society, we have learned to look for security in the wrong place: we look for it outside of ourselves. The people and things that surround us will always fail to reassure us; the nagging fear that everything could change in an instant will always be present, until inevitably, things do change.”
“If we cannot find inner peace, how can we expect to create a world that is peaceful and harmonious? Our own minds, full of dissonant chatter and confusion, are the source of our insecurity. Our actions arise from our thoughts, from our feelings. If we are full of fear, how can we hope for a loving world family?”
“In the quest for peace, there is something very concrete that we can all do to contribute. In every moment, we can make a choice, the choice to rest in the abiding peace – or love-consciousness – that lies within us right now, and that nobody can take away from us. In the same way that learning to depend on our surroundings has filled us with fear, we can learn to depend on our inner state, and find a security that is always pristine and untouched, that no 9/11 can cast a shadow on, or threat of destruction shake.”
Unusually, she uses her last name.
Last Updated on May 17, 2014 by Davidya