Name and Form

Name and Form

Recently, a couple of key quotes from the Rig Veda have come around again and I thought it might be worth touching on this remarkable set of texts. There is an old Sanskrit saying, “knowledge in books, remains in books.” But the Vedas are something deeper. Veda means knowledge. They are a recording of knowledge itself. Read superficially, they may appear to describe mundane things like cows and farms. But heard more deeply, they are the flow of human evolution itself. The Rig Veda illustrates the stages of Unity.

First, 2 quotes.

“The verses of the Veda exist in the collapse of fullness in the transcendental field, the self-referral consciousness, the Self, in which reside the Devas [celestial beings], the laws of Nature responsible for the whole manifest universe.

He whose awareness is not open to this field, what can the verses accomplish for him? Those who know this level of reality are established in evenness, wholeness of life.”
— Rig Veda 1.164.39

“Go together, speak together, know your minds to be functioning together from a common source, in the same manner as the devas [celestial beings], in the beginning, remain together united near the source.

Integrated is the expression of knowledge, an assembly is significant in unity, united are their minds while full of desires. For you I make use of the integrated expression of knowledge. By virtue of unitedness and by means of that which remains to be united, I perform action to generate wholeness of life.

United by your purpose, harmonious be your feelings, collected be your mind, in the same way as all the various aspects of the universe exist together in wholeness.”
— the closing stanzas of the Rig Veda 10.191.2-4

Historically, the Rig Veda is thought to have originated in the NW of present India in the “land of the seven rivers” about 5,000 years ago. It was handed down orally through family traditions for thousands of years until it was assembled into books to avoid its loss some 2,000 years ago. Why was it considered so valuable? It is an experiential blueprint.

What is not commonly understood in most readings and translations of the Vedas is that they are encoded experiences. Unlike most languages like English, the Sanskrit language has a direct relationship between the sound of the word and it’s form. The form of an object is of course its meaning.

At a subtle level of existence, vibration arises which causes what we can describe as subtle form. This is the foundation of what follows and becomes our experience of the world. This process is generally recognized with other terminology in Physics, in the geometry of Buckminster Fuller, and descriptions like I outlined in Deepest Being.

That subtle vibration can be experienced as sound. You have of course heard of the famous primordial sound, Om or Aum. Every object and experience is founded in vibration. That foundation is known as name and form, a level where the sound of an objects foundational vibration can be experienced as it becomes form.

The sounds of Sanskrit match the form elicited. If a person is able to stay aware at a subtle level and listen to the Vedas, they will re-experience what is encoded in the stanzas. Kind of movies for yogis, only about deep truths or cognitions, not cowboys. The first quote above describes this.

This is one of the interesting aspects of our time. As the global consciousness opens and awakes, we rediscover truths that have been in front of us all along. Only now we can see. It is only beginning.


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  1. Pingback: Rules Change « In 2 Deep

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  17. Clarice

    I hear subtle sounds all the time now. It sounds like the finest sandpapering or lightest fizzle of seltzer. I also feel funny sensations up my nose and near what might be called a third eye. That feeling sometimes comes onto the crown of head. Is this the devas busy at work or should I hurry and get annual physical ?

    1. Hi Clarice
      (laughs) Unless there are other symptoms of concern, I wouldn’t worry. Sounds and sensations like this can indicate purification in those areas. They can also indicate subtle experiences. In any case, they’ll tend to come and go as with all experiences. If it’s the first, they’ll clear up. If the second they’ll deepen and grow in time.

  18. Maritama Radha Ananda

    Eventually you will look into the eyes closed darkness and see a light which is bright as the SUN but does not hurt to view. It may cause you to experience nirvikalpa samadhi. Keeping your connection at the navel to the esthetic chord You may find yourself in another location. Then you may begin to understand parallel realities are manifesting. You may see winged beings or other places.
    I have seen Ramamurti Mishra and other spiritual teachers including Christ in different settings. Once while meditating in the Cathedral Basillica of Saint Augustine, Florida I saw what appeared to be a white wall. Then I noticed a line like so |
    which gradually proved to be a gate opening. Then each half of the gate became the arms of Jesus opening as to invite me to come in. This stopped with the sound of the voice of the priest pastor asking, “Are you alright?”

    1. Thanks for sharing, Maritama.
      I find it useful to reframe a few things a bit so the understanding supports the experience better. I can note that I describe the process mentioned in the article in a great deal more detail in later articles.
      An experience like you first describe is the result of transcending or samadhi rather than the cause. The world of experience is structured in layers. As we settle more and more deeply, the light of consciousness can be experienced.
      Nirvikalpa samadhi is a style that arises when our past attachments are cleared and our true nature seen. I detail them here:
      Traveling on cords is also called astral traveling. The wise don’t encourage this as the astral is where a lot of shadows reside. Better to use samadhi and become established in consciousness. Then we can travel with attention within our infinite being. Much cleaner.
      It’s also better to understand reality as a single wholeness that has layers and nested spaces within it. Kind of like rooms in a mansion. One reality, not “parallel” or alternate.
      On subtle experiences, its also useful to understand what I call personalization. Subtle levels are essentially dream-space. Appearances can be useful for communicating but the appearance isn’t the important part and can be misleading. Always be alert to the feeling value – that can tell you the truth of what is arising.
      Knowing a few principles like that makes our inner journeys safe and help to bring us home. 🙂

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