Month: <span>August 2008</span>


Visual tools for understanding the scale of the world are always interesting to explore. Powers of 10 examples like this one on the Florida State University site are a great example. Universcale is another, produced …

Deeper than Tolerance

Over on Shilpan’s blog, he interviewed Life Coach Tim Brownson. Tim spoke of self-limiting beliefs and the value of tolerance and respect. One commenter suggested tolerance was fine but what about abuse and so forth. …

God is not Dead

Recently, there has been another wave of “God is Dead” books, like Dawkins “The God Delusion“. An earlier wave took place when it became clear that traditional churches were dying out. The rise of the …

States of Consciousness

Update: I’ve rewritten and updated this article here. It is quite common for people writing about enlightenment to mingle different distinct states of consciousness. Different views of reality. There are a number of reasons for …

The Art of Listening

When you want to really “get” deep concepts, there is a deeper way to listen, a deeper value to listen from. Most of our lives we spend in the mind, listening with a judge, rating …

Knowing or Unknowing

It’s curious how blogging can reveal layers worth exploring. While I wrote Confidence, Takuin explored uncertainty in Are you Certain? So we find writers who talk about the unknowing, the falling away of all knowledge …

Happiness is Rising

From Business Week, Aug. 20, 2008 “This year, the analysts were shocked by their findings. Reported happiness had actually risen in 40 countries and decreased in just 12. Inglehart, who has been involved in this …


A few times recently, people have asked about or commented on my apparent confidence in statements I make here. Some of the terminology I’ve come to use is unique, so I may sound like yet …

How To

While I was drafting the post “Who Do’s“, an email arrived from Burt Harding. Burt is a local fellow from the Ramana lineage who used to do satsangs but now focuses on one on one …

Who Do’s?

One of the more curious questions on the journey of awakening is the changing perception of who is the apparent doer. At first, the experience is that we do and are done to. We act …

Beyond MS

A friend of mine has developed a routine for overcoming Multiple Sclerosis. A routine that has worked well for many people. At a time when Richard was told he would be confined to a wheelchair, …

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