Category: <span>Quotes</span>

Return to the Root

In this wonderful verse by the poet-sage Rumi, he entreats us to “return to the root of the root of your own soul.” Given the soul or jiva has it’s roots in Atman, consciousness, the …


In the past, I’ve spoken of the value of culturing gratitude. In my case, this shifted my emotional tone, allowing deeper letting go and acceptance, helping set the stage for awakening. This isn’t about making …

The Golden Rule

The Golden Rule is the principle of treating others as we would expect to be treated. It is a maxim of reciprocity. It’s found in most faiths and many philosophies throughout the ages, though it …

Angels Among Us

  Recently, I had a powerful experience with archangel Michael. Soon after, I heard a song by a dear friend and wanted to share the chorus. She died in November 2009, a few months after …


“All any of it [that we experience] ever cares about is recognition. Really, this is what we provide as humans within the context of this universe… is we are aware. We are aware of our …

The Force of Awareness

“Awareness is an extraordinarily intelligent force. It’s not like the intellectual intelligence of your mind. It’s completely integrated into every cell of your body, and into the universe.” – Adyashanti, The Way of Liberating Insight …

The Need to Know

This blog offers models of reality to support our journey. However, I’m well aware it attracts readers seeking the “right answer” or “the truth.” The ego-identified mind wants certainty so it can feel in control. …

Higher and Lower Knowledge

Shaunaka, a great householder, once approached Angiras in the prescribed manner and asked, “My Lord, what is that, knowing which, everything becomes known?” Angiras then said to him, “Two kinds of knowledge are to be …

Peace of Body-Mind

“Peace of mind and physical well-being are closely related. Some years ago, a scientist at Emory University told me that continuous anger, fear and suspicion tend to eat into our immune system. Besides, peace of …

This and That

The Upanishad use words like “this” and “that” to describe aspects of reality. For example: Puurmam adah puurnam idam puurnaat puurnam udachyate puurnasya puurnam aadaaya puurnam evaavashishyate That is full, this is full. From fullness, …

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