
Aura Reading

Over the years on this blog I’ve talked about refined perception, the koshas or auras, and other aspects of our energetic nature. Recently I’ve been talking some about Rose Rosetree and chakra databanks. Rose has …

The Aura

The aura is a term often used to describe the energy field surrounding the physical body. It’s coloured according to the activity of the chakras, dominant thoughts in the mind, emotions, and physical sensations. However, …

The Shadow Drives

This came up in another forum. I thought it worth sharing here, editing for context. Humans are human. It is very rare for someone to have no shadow, even a great guru. Much can be …

Empath Empowerment

As we’re in the energy age, it should be no surprise that there is a major rise in the presence of energy healing. You’ll now find all sorts of different energy modalities. Even a bit …

Developing Intuition

This is a response to a question about intuition in another forum. I explore how it develops.  It’s edited slightly for context. Firstly, claiming to get messages from God or preaching your beliefs or concepts …

Pride and Humility

Back on the Aura Reading post, my joke about stubbornness lead to an off-line question. In sharing the response here, it evolved into something new. I wouldn’t describe stubbornness as necessarily associated with pride. It …

Healing by Attention

In a lot of energy healing practices, you learn to move energy to places you feel resistance or where there is a complaint. In a few more specialized techniques you learn to work more directly …

Digesting Contraction

There’s a take on purification I realized I’d not covered. Unlike some psychological approaches, we don’t have to dig up every trauma and challenge we’ve ever faced to clear it’s impact. That would make it …

Ways of Knowledge

A comment On Truth lead me to some thoughts on knowledge. The first form of knowledge we have is stories we’re told as children and the feedback we get from others. Those turn into our …

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